
Book and Manuscript 

I have written my first book, A Field Guide to Relationships, and I’m working on a second. Book two is on navigating from separation to reconciliation. I often share new thoughts and book excepts at


Thoughts On Marriage

*The moment we stop pursuing is the moment we start moving backwards. Relationships, in general, are always in flux, either moving towards or away. We never arrive in a relationship.

Thoughts On Parenting

*Note to self: is my child "strong willed" or have I taught her that when I say "no" I actually mean "yes" and that "5 more minutes" actually means "You'll know I mean business when I start getting angry and yelling" 

Thoughts On Communication 

*Unsuccessful communication is often like a fire hydrant; it’s either capped with nothing coming out or uncapped and not receivable. Successful communication is both on and receivable. A common misunderstanding is to believe that just because you said something you communicated well. The question is did the person receive, take in, what you had to say. 


Your Spiritual Journey 

*Sometimes we pray like we fast; we try to manipulate God into action. Spiritual disciplines are about focus and connection. They are not tools to get God on your side. He already is. When you learn to enjoy God and his goodness the disciplines become a focused place of intimacy and connection instead of troublesome requirements.

*If we are not doing for him what we "should" then we are not receiving him like we could. We start from first receiving, receiving love. “He first loved us” is a lifestyle and will never end.  

This Button is a link to my first article: Sustainable Intimacy with Christ: Learning to Discern a Season’s “Point of Communion”